What is ERT?
Emotional Response Therapy (ERT) is a simple therapy approach to help with distressing thoughts and memories.
ERT is suitable for both children and adults.
ERT takes a different approach to traditional talking therapies and reduces the need for clients to recount distressing memories at length over a prolonged period of time. Clients report that the therapy is much quicker and less demanding on them than other therapies.
ERT clients often feed back on how simple the therapy is to apply. It has been described as "insanely easy" and "astoundingly quick". Clients attending ERT therapy will work through distressing thoughts or memories with the ERT therapist.
The technique you apply in therapy can also support clients outside of therapy sessions. Clients are taught to apply it for themselves to help deal with day-to-day worries that occur between sessions. Many ERT clients report feeling empowered by this approach.
Development of ERT
The theory of ERT underpins why this therapeutic approach helps clients reduce their distress. The theory was established before the therapy was developed which is a significant shift, and a very different approach to the way most other therapies have developed. ERT follows the existing science which is why it is so successful in helping clients.
The therapy developed following considerable research to better understand how people become traumatised and develop other psychological problems. This examination of the evidence led to the development of ERT.
ERT is a simple and effective therapy which is easy to apply. Sitting behind that easy approach is a complex and in depth scientific theory.
The success of ERT sits at the place where complex theory and easy application intersect.
Trauma and fear are at the core of most psychological problems and distress. Clients of all ages can present with a range of issues but the key to resolving them is often found in dealing with their response to that fear or trauma.
ERT theory focuses on that key and follows the available scientific evidence of how the mind and body produce emotional reactions such as fear and trauma. The development of ERT theory goes beyond standard psychological theories and takes on board evidence from a range of scientific disciplines. Biological sciences play an important role in ERT theory and increase the knowledge base of why we become fearful.
Following a sound scientific base further, as ERT theory does, enhances our understanding of why we become distressed and stay distressed. As you follow this scientific path it becomes clear why people experience fear and continue to do so in the absence of a stimuli. What also emerges from the evidence are the answers of how to help people overcome fear and trauma.